Friday, November 28, 2008

~Thanksgiving ~

Thanksgiving was really fun. We spent it at the Robertson’s cabin in Wildwood which is just a wonderful place....a little haven always warm and cozy nestled in such a beautiful setting. We are very grateful to be able to join them for holidays as we are not close to either side of the family. We sure miss everyone friends and family both, more so during holidays. Everyone had a good time, especially the kids. They had crafts to keep them busy and after dinner Bestafar and a few of the guys took the kids down to the playground as it has not snowed yet. All the kids are growing so fast. Kiana, Rusty and Caty’s little girl is the youngest and she just turned 3, wow where has the time gone. Jonathan and Charlisa came and it was really fun to see them so soon after seeing them at Halloween. Richard and Janice seemed quite happy to be able to have their whole family there. We always can tell when the kids have had a really great time as they are usually conked out by the time we hit the gates.....which is what happened as they had tummies full of turkey and pie.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

~Happy Thanksgiving~

We are so blessed to have all that we have. I hope friends and family know how we truly cherish their friendship and love. Give generously of time, love and fun. Reach out to friends and strangers alike so that no one goes matter what they are starving for.

Monday, November 24, 2008


All I Can Say Is disappointment hereJay, Caty and I took the teenage girls from across the street and went to see the long awaited for flick of the year (only because Harry Potter is next July or it would be the 2nd)
This movie was wonderful and the casting we felt was great. There was quite a mix of people there young and old...not mostly women either. We thought it was so much fun, had a wonderful vibe and we can't wait to go see it again. The girls were in awe and really loved it it's not an age thing it's a fan thing. Not to mention Edward is pretty easy on the eyes.....

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Finally....the waiting is over. Jay and I are so excited to go see this movie. Sure hope it is a awesome as we feel it has the opportunity to be. Hopefully going Saturday to see it for the first of many times (assuming it is fantastic, wonderful, great....need I say more??) Will update after the flick.......until then Bite Me!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

~Halloween 2008~

Jonathan and Mommy checking out the animals at
Zion's Trading Post
Halloween 2008

~Grafton Cemetary~

What a beautiful view, I can see why Grafton was settled
Here is the cemetery in this fenced off area is a family plot. Resting here are four members of the same family; all killed at the same time by Indian's. In the middle there is a beautiful obelisk marble monument....just an amazing placeMost of the grave sites were for younger people, the person resting here was one of the oldest people buried here.
The preservation society appears to be working hard to keep up the cemetery and preserve this little historical spot.The kids found the cemetery very interesting. Marley found out that there were little babies there and she really had to think that one over.....she is our thinker.

~Ghost Town at Grafton~

~Trading Post fun~

The talented Aunt Charlisa
The famous...maybe infamous Uncle Jonathan

Here is Midnight....I have never seen a bunny that likes fruit loops....must have a cast iron stomach.

This little guy is Sundance, he was so funny. When we were leaving he was braying....he sounded so sad.

Jay & Jack the Llama

Saturday was great. The boys and girls split up. Little Jonathan was really excited to go in Uncle Jonathan's truck and hang out with just him and Daddy. Charlisa, the girls and I went to check out some stores (mainly Roberts my favorite place). Then we all met up and they took us to this really fun trading post. We fed the animals. Marley and India both really loved the animals. The met a donkey named Sundance, a bunny named Midnight and a Llama named Jack. Leave it to Uncle Jonathan to find the most unusual and fun places.