Friday, October 31, 2008

~More Halloween Fun....Cedar City~

Not quite the Adams Family....but just as unique

The Jonathan Pirates...

...The mermaid....
and the goblins.....
On Halloween, the family took a road trip down to Cedar City to go to Jonathan and Charlisa's annual Halloween Haunt. We have wanted to go for years and were finally able too. We had such a good time. The kids love being with Jonathan, Charlisa and the dogs. Their babies are so much fun, the kids loved playing with them. The kids went trick-or-treating in the they really scored.

~Halloween at our house~

Monday, October 27, 2008

~Jonathan's 1st Field Trip ~

Wasatch Elementary Kindergarten vs. The Pumpkin Patch

Jonathan had his first field trip to the local nursery that has a huge pumpkin patch. Halloween is huge here in Utah. This nursery lets the local schools bring the kindergarten to come run in the corn maze, play in the farm playground, check out the chickens, peacocks, goats and bunnies and they get to check out the haunted alley. Then they get to pick out their own pumpkin. They really had a great time and the bus ride was fun too. The Kindergarten teachers sure work hard and make everything so much fun. We sang funny Halloween songs there and back. Sure was a great time to be with my little guy!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Wow, we had such a fun time for Halloween this year. As everyone knows, Halloween is the favorite holiday at our house. Ususally we have a big halloween party that the kids invite friends and family. This year a few of the neighbors decided to have a block Halloween Party that was really fun. Jay is such a good Dad, we always end up doing a party for the kids on Jay's B'day. All the kids had so much fun playing outside til' around 10 O'Clock. The adults entertained the kids with games brough by each family and then when everything settled down we moved the Mendenhall's fire pit to the sidewalk and hung out for a while sipping hot tea and talking while watching the kids run and scare each other. We have some really great neighbors. What a fun night....the best part is that the kids crashed as soon as their cute little heads hit the pillows.

~Daddy's Birthday~

~October 25th....breakfast in bed for the Dad~
~3 little pumpkins sitting on a bed....
we're not eating breakfast....
we're wishing Daddy Happy Birthday in stead!~
(however I believe they all snitched some of Daddy's birthday breakfast in bed)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

~The Pumpkin Patch~

India is really enjoying being a big girl now. She has discovered that she has much more freedom than when she was younger. She has been having a great time hanging out with her best friend Julia and her family. The went to the pumpkin patch, had a hay ride and picked their own pumpkins. The had so much fun. What a great start to the best month of the year....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

~India's Shoshone Project - 3rd Grade~

Here is India's 3rd Grade project on the
Shoshone Indian Tribe
who were inhabitants of the Utah Great Basin area.India's example of Then and the Round, that's my girl!
Talk about dramatic,our girl had to dress like an Indian
to make sure her presentation had the
India touch...
not required...but that is our India,
never a dull moment.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

~India's Baptism March 2008~

~India's Baptism March 2008~
What a wonderful day for our girl. The Baptism was beautiful and India's joy and excitement just sparkled in her eyes. We were so happy many of our family and friends (who to us are family) were able to come and share her day. She is growing into such a wonderful young lady, she loves our Heavenly Father and strives each day to do good things and be the best person she can be. India is truly kind, we often receive compliments about how kind she is to others and how her goodness just shines from her beautiful eyes.
We love this girl.....I am just amazed that she has grown so much....I still see that cute little imp dragging Bunny around with her...

Friday, October 10, 2008

~Dance Camp 2008~

Marley's most favorite thing to do is dance. She has started ballet and is very serious about it. Miss. Amber, her dance teacher, is quite impressed with how hard she tries. Marley is willing do whatever Miss. Amber asks her with a smile and great enthusiasm.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

~Summer 2005~

~mmmmm ...S'mores at
Bestafar and Bestamor's Cabin~

~India Ballet 2005~

India the Palace Maid and Kiley the Mouse...
2005 Academy of Ballet production of Cinderella
This picture is so India.....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

~Summer Fun 2005 at Bestafar's and Bestamor's~

....The zip line Bestafar sets up for the kids is so much fun!
Uncle Rusty and Jonathan chatting....
Bestamor always makes the most fun lunch and centers things around the was make your own lunch with cheese, crackers, vegi's...and olives....there are always finger size olives, it isn't lunch if you do not have an olive for each finger!

....The Boys hanging out....

Saturday, October 4, 2008

~Marley Ireland~

Here is our little Marley on her 3rd Birthday. This little girl is a firecracker...she keeps us on our toes. She is the most affectionate and loving little girl. We find her just amazing.

We find her just amazing. It is just so fun to watch her and Jonathan play together. They are the great friends and even better pretenders, the things they come up with are just so very creative and funny. Our little miss is very much like India, she has a great little mind and quite a knack for language. She loves words and uses them all the time. Marley has really taken to ASL and can sign over 40 different ASL signs which is great. The kicker is that when she is signed to, she is also able to understand what has been signed to her. I wish I was that good. We love this little girl so much. She lights our hearts and home with great joy that just shines from within. What a wonderful blessing she is to us.

Friday, October 3, 2008

~Jonathan ~

Jonathan is growing so fast. He started Kindergarten this year and is just doing wonderful. He is the sweetest little boy I know. He has a kind heart and such a positive personality.....what a laid back little dude. It is such a joy to be with Jonathan, he has this wonderful imagination and comes up with some of the most creative ideas and stories. Wow, we really love this little guy and are so grateful he is our son.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

~India Moriah~

India and Baby
Baby is our little bunny, India just loves her so much and takes really good care of her. This is when we first got her, she has really grown a lot and is just the best little bunny ever. We never imagined that having a bunny as a pet could be so wonderful.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcome to our burrow....

Blogging is new to me, but I want to try it out so family and friends can keep up with what is going on with the Footit's. It is fall in Utah and we are lovin' it. Fabulous color on the mountain, crunchy leaves under foot and best of all it's