Happy 6th Birthday ......
Jonathan Patrick.....
My own Little Wild Thing...
My sweet little Jonathan, it can not be 6 years since you were born, it seems as if I just held you in my arms for the first time... unwrapping your blankets and just being in awe at this perfect little being watching me with those great big eyes... you were loved from the instant I knew I carried you....
Jonathan, you are a constant joy ... our precious gift from Heavenly Father, we are so blessed to have you in our family. Daddy & I could just sit and watch you for hours as we are so amazed by you each day, you are so bright and funny.... your imagination is a constant delight to everyone you meet. We love your fun stories and the fantastic world brewing in that wonderfully smart head of yours. Like your older sister, you have also inherited Dad's gift of language and have become quite the spinner of tales.
You my son, are one of the most loving, thoughtful and pure of heart little boy's and I am proud you are my Son. I love how you make sure to let me know how much you love me and how sweet you are (most of the time) to your sisters. Thank you for being you, don't ever lose your golden heart.... always remember who you are, who you love, where you come from and most of all never forget you are a precious and much loved child of God. May Heavenly Father watch over you and keep you safe always.
~I love you, Mommy~